About Us

 Welcome to There's Food At Home! 

If you're anything like me, then the lockdown restrictions mean that you're missing your favourite restaurants and quality scran that you can never quite replicate at home. 

I'm here to convince you that 'There's Food At Home' is not as disappointing a phrase as it once were, and I will be sharing with you all of my absolute favourite recipes that will be sure to inspire you (and help curb the cravings) while we're all stuck inside for the next while!

Fakeaways, gourmet dinners, desserts and maybe even cocktails are on the menu at There's Food At Home, so please explore and get inspired to dig out the kitchen utensils and impress whoever you fancy with our amazing restaurant quality recipes. 

We promise not to break the bank or burst any zips with our recipes!


Anonymous said…
Looking forward to seeing different recipes from this page - sounds intiguing

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